With the term Semantic Reference Data Model (SRDM) we denote a set of data patterns (fields) useful for the semantic description of a specific entity type. Each SRDM is a collection of fields, which are named, ID-ed, intentionally defined, syntactically unique paths from a domain node to a range node through n triples, representing a semantic and syntactic unique statement, intended to represent one value/data point. The fields are further organised into groups which compose together set of mutually relevant statement types related to the same entity type (domain node), documented for the purpose of common reuse across semantic data projects. Each field is mapped to the CIDOC-CRM ontology. The aim is manifold: to provide reference implementations to be used by institutions and projects not familiar with CIDOC-CRM, to create usable guidelines to generate input interfaces for born-CRM semantic data and to guide mapping processes from extant sources into the CRM conformant reference model using tools such as 3M.
Watch Nicola Carboni from Swiss Art Research Infrastructure (SARI) introduce the Semantic Reference Data Models (video recorded on the occasion of the SARI/BSO Open Day, 8.12.2020, 11-12:00 CET):